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June is made for stalking red fish!

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2023 7:16 pm
by GoDoe
It's hot and that is a good thing. That means the sun is shinning and that means red fish can be sighted.

I found some cruising this morning in 1' or less water. First sighting was 4 fish tailing. Rookie to anxious and laid the fly line over them. See ya later.

It wasn't too long after that I started finding singles coming in with the rising water. They were picky for reds. I cast to a dozen and only 2 took the crab fly. I stayed after them in skinny water and by 2:30 I had 5 reds and 3 blacks. I left them biting.

I was actually poling off the flats to quit, fly rods all wound up and ready to motor back to the truck. At the exit from the flats there was a school of tailing reds! I couldn't pass that up, no matter how hot and tired I was.

I kept my eye on them as I cut and tied on a new fly to throw at them. One more red for the road. That's always nice.


Re: June is made for stalking red fish!

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2023 3:37 pm
by Prof. Salt
Nice job! I've learned to keep one rod at the ready all the way back, because you never know when that last great opportunity will pop up.