I watched several larger deer yesterday but they refused to come stand broadside in range. I've got the "turned down" bow sighted in for 20 but beyond that distance it's an unknown and therefore not an option. When this buck finally came in and stopped broadside at 16 yards to watch a doe across the clearing, I punched buck ticket number two. Deer season was a lot of waiting and wondering if the bucks would ever show up but when they did, wow it got busy. In the last two mornings I watched 18 different bucks come and go. Several were better deer than this one, but I was insistent that I could make it happen with the bow and left the gun sitting in the corner of the blind. I'm glad I waited and this guy will get a place among the other European mounts in the spare bedroom/fly tying room.
...now where did I leave that box of crab flies?