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Another Gartside Iteration

Posted: Sat Feb 08, 2020 8:50 am
by karstopo
The Gartside Muddled Soft Hackle Deceiver, my take on it.

Really like how these look and swim. They hover along just below the surface on the strip and will slowly rise given the chance. Might have to use some intermediate or a line with some sink to fish them if the fish aren’t feeding near the surface. ImageImageImageImage

Re: Another Gartside Iteration

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:18 am
by karstopo

The bass like them. Got one bonus crappie, but probably wasn’t fishing the fly deep enough to get into those much. Walk a bit of shoreline using the white/chartreuse and olive ones. Both caught fish, the olive muddled deceiver took this 5+# LMB. The bass Ripped off an eye on the deceiver, I might do these eyeless in the future, but for now I’m going to see if I can get the eyes to hang in there longer.

Tied three more. Wetted them a little prior to the so they look different. Change from craft fur to Icelandic Sheep for the tail on the grey ones. Image

Really want to see if the saltwater fish will go for them, but at least I know I can get some productive fishing with the pattern on the lake.

Re: Another Gartside Iteration

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2020 2:34 am
by karstopo
Grey ones have some natural wild turkey marabou behind the white. Some of the wild turkey marabou has a nice natural gray color. I think the Icelandic Sheep will work well for the tail in lieu of craft fur.

Been wanting another more or less neutrally buoyant mid sized baitfish pattern. I like having a fly box with some options, I can get into fishing the same ol’ same o rut at times. Tying something new to me forces me to fish new things and injects a little added enthusiasm into tying and fishing. Nothing wrong with that.