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Flounder at Seawolf Park

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 7:03 am
by ccatfa
Have caught a couple of limits (2/day) at Seawolf Park in the last week. The flounder were all females between 16" and 18" long. When cleaning the flounders I noticed that there was nothing in their stomachs. Is this normal, or does it indicate that there is not much in the way of bait fish or shrimp for them to feed on as they move to the gulf?

Re: Flounder at Seawolf Park

Posted: Tue Nov 21, 2017 9:32 am
by kickingback
When the "run" is on the females head for the Gulf to breed. They spent the last month fattening up already on shrimp that was also leaving for the Gulf to spawn. The two I caught yesterday were both females and had eggs not fully developed.