A Quick Morning Fly

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A Quick Morning Fly

Post by Aggroman »

I posted this in Freshwater, but here it is for you fellers.

After two and a half weeks with no days off, I was able to make a short run to the river on Tuesday. I had a very short amount of time to go, but really needed to work on some river film projects i’ve put on the back burner because of my schedule. Funny how that seems to be a common theme with most my posts. “Finally get to go, but only a few hours”, “had a great time, but had to leave quick”. Tuesday was no different.
After dropping my bride off at work, I headed out for the 20 mile trek to my drop in. (my truck is in need of a transmission, so we’re still having to “one car” it right now. If you get an opportunity to experience having one car for an active family of four…don’t.) Anyway, I get 5 miles before my destination and encounter road construction. The kind that involves a pilot car to lead you miles and miles down a one lane highway. 26 minutes later, I arrive at my spot.
Since I needed to focus on getting the shots I needed, I loaded up my pelican cases full of camera gear, my tripod, monopod, and a gopro into my kayak. This wasn’t expected to be a heavy fishing experience, so most of my tackle was left at the house. But being the person I am, there is no way i’m out on the water without some fishing gear. I brought a 6wt, 8wt, a big fly box, and I still felt a little naked. :)


After dropping in and paddling a ways, I just couldn’t pass up some of those spots, and started throwing some flies. I’m not sure what I was thinking. Tons of low tree limbs lining the banks, dense underwater structure, in a kayak, with the wind blowing. I was headed for disaster, or at least a tree decorating party, but I didn’t care. Then I noticed something weird was going on. Cast after cast they were hitting their mark. There were even a few,”no way, how did that not get hung up?” moments. Being blessed by the sacred fly angels is not something I take lightly, so I decided to leave my olive wooly bugger on and keep fishing it. I caught a ton of sunfish. So many in fact, I could probably stock a four mile trotline with bait. But there were about 3 that were the kind I like. The kind you can stick a thumb in their mouth to get the hook out. There are some healthy fish in these waters.


I had one really nice fight with a very big bellied Warmouth. This is only the second one i’ve caught on this river and the first on the fly. It was a gorgeous fish with beautiful markings.



It was nice to be the only one out that morning. It was quiet and relaxing, even though I had a lot of work to do while I was out there. It seems everywhere I looked there was something moving about. Yes, a few snakes too, but they were the kind I don’t mind coming up and saying hello.

Here was a nice pattern I like to use this time of year. Bass love them too.


It’s amazing how much work it takes to get to those awesome fishing spots. Unless you own the land, or know someone who does, it’s drop in and start paddling. In, out, push, pull, fall, cuss. I love it. Getting to those hard to reach spots, and throwing a fly to a fish that has never had one presented to it before…. now that’s livin’ right there.


It’s one of the only places i’m not bombarded by politics, government, money issues, work, truck problems, or just the stresses of the daily grind. It’s my safe zone. So with all those other things out there waiting on my return, those snakes don’t seem like such a bad companion anymore. :)


Thanks for coming along,
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Re: A Quick Morning Fly

Post by MWS65 »

Hi that stretch of river Sunday evening. Like the warmouth they have some of the best coloration around here.
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Re: A Quick Morning Fly

Post by Aggroman »

MWS65 wrote:Hi that stretch of river Sunday evening. Like the warmouth they have some of the best coloration around here.
How'd you do when you went?
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Re: A Quick Morning Fly

Post by MWS65 »

Took the ultralight spinning rod and a box of jigs it was a fun trip. Lots of little Sunfish up to hand size same with the Bass lots of small ones with the biggest about 1 1/2. For the two hour trip I unhooked 30is It was slow until the sun went down below the trees.
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