I need help with fishing the marsh in Bolivar!

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I need help with fishing the marsh in Bolivar!

Post by flyboy718 »

I just came back from my third trip in 2 months down to Bolivar Penninsula and except for one trip, struck out!! The last two times we have been we have caught a couple redfish less than 20", stringray and hardhead catfish. We are putting in at the end of Tuna Drive. This is where the big water tank is right off the road. We have fished live shrimp under a popping cork and had absolutely no bites for several hours on Saturday. I tried artificial too. DOA shrimp under popping cork, Saltwater Assassin in "Chicken on a chain" both under a popping cork and with a chartreuse jig head. What are we doing wrong?!! The tide was low on both of our last two trips as well...
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Re: I need help with fishing the marsh in Bolivar!

Post by Cityfisher »

Sometimes they just aint biting! lol
Seriously though, I have a suspicion it may have been to shallow where you were fishing at low tide. It may have been better over at Stingaree's area where there is some deeper holes.
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Re: I need help with fishing the marsh in Bolivar!

Post by Kayak Kid »

I've fished the Stingaree area during the PACK yearly outing for the past 13 years. The marsh areas, south and north of the marina, have proven to produce nice redfish, spec, and flounder.

My "secret" was the use of a depth finder to find the deep holes in the Marsh 'creeks'. They are usually in the turns, but can develop just about anywhere.

Not to say I have never been skunked, but I seldom left the marsh areas without a nice stringer fish to add to the nightly fish fry.

My most successful 'bait' during the past few years was a red rubber 'worm' dropped about 15 inches under a small 1 and I/2 inch crappie bobber.
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Re: I need help with fishing the marsh in Bolivar!

Post by flyboy718 »

Kayak Kid wrote:I've fished the Stingaree area during the PACK yearly outing for the past 13 years. The marsh areas, south and north of the marina, have proven to produce nice redfish, spec, and flounder.

My "secret" was the use of a depth finder to find the deep holes in the Marsh 'creeks'. They are usually in the turns, but can develop just about anywhere.

Not to say I have never been skunked, but I seldom left the marsh areas without a nice stringer fish to add to the nightly fish fry.

My most successful 'bait' during the past few years was a red rubber 'worm' dropped about 15 inches under a small 1 and I/2 inch crappie bobber.
Can you show me a picture of this red rubber worm?
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Re: I need help with fishing the marsh in Bolivar!

Post by TrailChaser »

One of the biggest mistakes people make while fishing is going to a "spot" and just spending hours sitting in dead water trying in vain to catch fish that are not there.

Fish don't like one spot over the other. What they like is to eat. They simply follow the bait around. If you don't see bait activity, you're probably not going to do very well no matter what lures or bait you use.
If you don't see obvious bait activity, potlick the pros who have a birdseye view of the area. Shorebirds... They aren't going to fish dead water since their lives literally depend on them catching something. I don't mean you should cast at the shorebirds. lol Just let them be you indicator that you're in the right area.

Once you find the nervous bait; fish all around that area. Try to figure out where the dropoff is. Baitfish will try to stay really shallow, but close to deeper water.(because shallow is reds and birds territory and they'll run deep when threatened from that aspect, but will run back shallow to avoid the specks,ladyfish,gafftop,ect) The specks will usually be in that same area hanging out in the deeper water looking for some fingermullet,shrimp,shad,mudminow,glass minnow,sand eel, ect to slip up.

When you're out there, just tune into the surroundings. Look at and for any movement or sounds. watch the way the surface of the water is and check out anything making it different. Keep moving and don't just fish one area unless you know what you're on to and you're grinding for a trophy or something.

You spend a lot of money to go fishing, invest a little in educating yourself to make the most out of the little time you get to spend on the water. I recommend buying everythihng Tobin has to offer at troutsupport.com
You will be amazed at the difference solid knowledge on the water will make. I've been fishing my whole life and it connected dots and keyed me in on several things I had totally snowed over thru the years.
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Re: I need help with fishing the marsh in Bolivar!

Post by TroutSupport.com »

well that is a lot of what we teach at troutsupport thank you David; You're awesome brotha.. but there's far more to learn.

feel free to email me at tobin@troutsupport.com and i'll explain WHY there has been no reds there

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Re: I need help with fishing the marsh in Bolivar!

Post by Passintime »

+1 on Troutsupport. Tobin is helping me put it together.

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Re: I need help with fishing the marsh in Bolivar!

Post by Drifting Yak »

Agree totally - Tobin’s online membership is the best thing going - You will not be disappointed!
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Re: I need help with fishing the marsh in Bolivar!

Post by Yakety_Yak »

I will chime in and say a few things. First off, you can take Tobin's (Trout Support) and David's (Trailchaser) info to be spot on. Both of them are great fishermen and know how to fish for red fish. Lately we have been getting a lot of rain and winds. The rain has made east bay really fresh. Even though reds are resilient in freshwater, just like most any other fish they can move to saltier water. On top of that, Rollover Pass has been filled in so that is not helping the cause at all. Another thing in regards to the PACK trip to Bolivar each year is that PACK plans their annual Bolivar trip when the reds run. That is why many PACK members do so well out there at Bolivar.

I'm not saying you can't catch fish there this time of year but there are other things to take into consideration as to why you are not catching. It's hard to say why you are getting skunked without being there. Maybe there are certain signs out there that you are missing. Tobin's videos will explain many things to look for when fishing for reds and other fish.

After you get the videos and watch them, hit me up. I'll be glad to hook up with ya and go fishing. I'm always up for a fishing trip. 832-588-7091
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Re: I need help with fishing the marsh in Bolivar!

Post by ben_beyer »

This is a guide who fishes Matagorda but he's putting information on YouTube.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1jpBQ ... GVC6lUjIJw

There's also the Bite Me podcast which has been providing lots of information. Fish move around depending primarily on what the conditions are doing to the bait. They also have a Facebook page and the listeners ask questions that may get discussed on the podcast and if not, there are other listeners that chime in to help out other anglers.
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