Matagorda BTB June 19th

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trolling dirty
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Matagorda BTB June 19th

Post by trolling dirty »

Feesh! and I met up to go to the Matagorda rig. We were really pumped needless to say. As we pull up onto the beach and see the chocolate milkshake washing machine that calls itself a surfzone we got a little worried. The winds were low as forecasted and the water looked fine past the breakers. We made an attempt to go out and didnt get past the first bar. Some first bar breakers here were at head level. To make matters worse the surf was unorganized and the frequency was high and unpredictable. I got pushed back but managed to stay perpendicular to the breakers. Feesh rolled off his kayak but didnt turtle or lose gear so that was good. We decided to fish surf until it laid down which never happened. Only caught bonnetheads and catfish in the surf using all sorts of bait and techniques. It was a pretty disappointing day considering the dreams i had the night before of trolling and screaming lines but I always remind myself that the only thing worse than not fishing is not fishing and losing gear. I think if we did manage to make it past the first breakers (and the second set for that matter; those looked like monsters even for how far away they were), there was no way wed come back in without turtling.

Really frustrating waiting for good BTB conditions on the Texas coast. Sometimes I think Id be better off pumping gas in Tampa than working oil and gas in Houston.
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Re: Matagorda BTB June 19th

Post by TaylorBird »

Same thing happened to us a couple months ago. We gear up, head to Gorda parked for a straight shot to the rig. The breakers were pretty healthy sized. I make it out past, seen my partner getting beat back to shore, I ride back in, pull them out to help. They get out of the breaker zone then I turtle 2 times losing my bait, Costas, hat, broke a rod, and so on! I'm ready to go out there again.

Better luck next time!
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